Monday, July 22, 2019

Y&R Update 7/15-7/19

Forgive me for not having at update for the week of July 8th. I was in travel mode with little to no internet connection. But just know no one killed Calvin, he died of natural causes, Adam is still Adam and everything else is pretty much the same. Oh, Victor is showing signs of memory loss. 

Monday 7/15: Faith is back, it's still the same FAITH. Y'all know I get excited to see her because she is the only one aging accordingly on this show. Well, her and Sharon are having a fun after camp snack at the coffee house when Faith see's Adam and is in shock. Adam greets them while they're having their mother/daughter time. Celeste has still intervened on her daughter's space. Nick was trying to get Chelsea to open up about Calvin's death but she was trying to avoid the convo when Rey arrives at Nick's to update them on Adam.

Rey informs Nick and Chelsea that Adam attempted to implicate Chelsea for the cause of her husband's death and that Calvin was going to help Adam regain custody of his son. But now that the death has been ruled natural causes, the so called evidence that Adam gave Paul is worthless. Nick walks Rey out and tells him to keep looking into Chance Chancellor. Nick informs Chelsea that he will update Sharon on all of Adam's mess and hopefully she will be done with him too. Nick is going to support Chelsea in regards to Adam.

Lola arrives home and overhears her mother on the phone with a special someone from back home. When Lola questions about this said person, Celeste avoids telling her who it is. The person is actually Lola's dad...we will meet him soon. Later Rey arrives and she tells him her suspicions on their mother having a boyfriend and she believes that it's someone they know. As she gets excited going down a list of men it could be, Rey killed her mood and informed her that it was their dad and that he wants to attend the wedding to walk Lola down the aisle. Lola irate about how her father walked out of their lives but now wants to walk back it but Rey lets her know that it was actually her mother that put their father out after some infidelities, now Lola is more irate that their mother has lied to them. Later Lola is on the couch when Celeste walks in and questions what she was doing on the computer. Lola calls out her mother for seeing their dad and she goes off on her mother for seeing a no good man. But Celeste tries to calm her down by taking some of the blame but Lola isn't going for it. Then Lola finds out that her mother is still in love with her father. Celeste is still trying to calm Lola down by reminding her that she is still married to her father and that she has forgiven him. Celeste tells her that being with Adrian, her husband, makes her happy. Lola still ain't with it and continues to snap on her mother about her father being absent in their home all for a fling. Celeste flat out tells Lola that she is with their father and that is it. Lola tells Celeste that he's not allowed in her wedding or her life. Celeste tells Lola that she is making a big mistake.Celeste tried to convince Lola that her father loves her. But Lola tells her that her father will not use her wedding to try to fix things and the only father that she knows, Rey, will be walking down the aisle. Then Lola threatened that if her father attempts to show up at the wedding, she will call it off and her and Kyle will elope. Celeste looks lost and confused.

While Adam was trying to make small talk, Sharon decided that it was time to leave so she tells Faith to get a togo box. When Faith was away, Adam felt that it was time to inform Sharon that Chelsea was back and that she is staying with Nick, trying to be messy. Sharon handles it and her and Faith leave to visit Nick not knowing that Adam is following them. Faith and Sharon show up at the park and Faith questions her mother about why she told Adam she was meeting with her father, Sharon tells her that she didn't want Adam to know their real plans. Later Nick and Christian arrive at the park, Faith takes Christian to play while Nick and Sharon talk. Nick informed Sharon about Chelsea being back and only staying at his home due to her husband dying and how Adam tried to frame Chelsea for it and that he hopes that she sees Adam for who he is. Sharon becomes defensive and claps back that she will see Adam for who he is once he sees Chelsea for who she is. As they're arguing over pointless mess, Faith shuts them down by saying that they can hear every word they're saying then out of blue, Adam shows up (how convenient). Adam decides to take it upon himself and talk to Christian but Nick made sure that the convo stayed short then he took Christian and Faith home. Sharon confronts Adam on his behavior. She tells him not to use her to get access to Christian and he wouldn't have to use these antics if he didn't file a custody lawsuit against Nick. Adam tells her that Christian needs to get use to knowing him since he will be living with him soon. Sharon then confronts him about attempting to frame Chelsea and called him a cold hearted bastard. Adam wants to know what changed in Sharon then he leaves her standing in the park.

Nick must have stopped at Crimson Lights on the way home so that Faith could get a smoothie. Faith was inside by herself when Rey ran into her. Faith was excited to Rey, they get caught up when Rey finds out that Sharon is talking to Adam in the park. Later Rey runs into Sharon at the park and questions her about Adam. She tells him how upset she is at him, how she now sees him for the man that he really is, and that she will not let Adam get in between their relationship. Rey accepts Sharon's response and they go home. At home, Nick calls his attorney to give him the update on what Adam is up to hoping that this info will help his custody case.

Adam arrives home and Chelsea is right there waiting. Adam wants to know what he has he done now. Chelsea goes in on him about recording their conversation and turning it in to Paul. Adam tells her it was because she took Nick to see Connor and not him, he could have been there for her. Chelsea told him that Nick didn't see Connor at all. She also snaps and tells him that the Adam that loved her wouldn't set her up to go to prison, she wants to know what happened to that Adam. He tells her that he lost her and that he can't live this life without her (boy bye). Chelsea isn't falling for Adam's words and told him that he can't blame Nick or anyone for his behavior and the way she feels, he needs to take responsibility. Adam turns his back to Chelsea and told her not to come back to his home. She leaves him in his own tears.

Tuesday 7/17: Adam's return is causing Billy to have nightmares about Delia. Nick runs into Rey at the park and they discuss what business is causing Cane and Chance to work together. Nikki and Victor have coffee at Crimson Lights while discussing family and Victor's treatments. Jill and Cane have a meal at Society while discussing Cane's new job and his upcoming trip to New York with Traci. Cane informs Jill that he is the inspiration behind Traci's new book.

As Traci is packing to leave, Jack talks to her about how free she is and wishes he was more like her. Traci encourages Jack to continue to be the man that he is and right now he's only between challenges. She goes on to say that she's proud of him and she's waiting to see what he accomplishes next and she knows it's going to be epic.

Rey shares with Nick that his investigation turned up that Chance was into some money laundering and some other criminal activities. Nick can't believe it because Chance was such a stand up guy but he also hopes that this information could prove that Adam is too in some criminal activity to help with his custody case. Rey was interrupted by a phone call from Sharon, it was brief. Nick notices that Rey and Sharon are on better terms. Rey shares what Sharon has told him about what's been going on and how she see's the light when it comes to Adam. Nick only wishes that a judge will too.

Nikki suggest that the family get together excluding Adam. Victor responds about how his sons are fighting and that it's Adam's fault due to the custody battle. Nikki stands to leave and Victor stays behind.

Cane and Jill continue to discuss the book, Cane's upcoming travel plans, and family. Jill shares that she will be traveling soon as well. Billy comes strolling into Society with a look of concern on his face (probably due to the nightmare he had), Jill sees him and says good morning. Billy comes to the table and Jill shares Cane's travel plans to NY, Cane adds that he and Traci will be on the same flight and staying in the same hotel and Billy is heated, wanting to know what Cane is up to. Cane lets Billy know that he is going to be in NY for a conference and he suggested to Traci that they hang out while he is there, also his son will be there for an internship so Billy has nothing to worry about. Billy doesn't agree and he feels that this is an important trip for his sister and she doesn't need a distraction. Jill and Cane try to calm Billy down but it doesn't work, they don't know the real deal behind Billy's anger. Later Cane shows up to the Abbott house, he asked Traci if she was having any 2nd thoughts about him and this trip. Traci shares that she wants him to go, Cane shares his run in with Billy and hopes that Billy isn't trying to discourage her from the trip. She then turns the table to see if Cane has any 2nd thoughts. He doesn't so she finish packing and they head for NY.

Alone at Nick's place, Chelsea calls her mother to check on Connor but Anita wants to know about Calvin's will. Chelsea quickly ends the call and as she is fuming to herself, Victor walks in and Chelsea has the "Lord not now" look on her face. Chelsea offers Victor a drink, he declines but comments that she has made herself at home at Nick's. She claps back that he has too since he just walked into Nick's home. They discussed the phone call with Anita, how Anita kept Chelsea's whereabouts secret to keep Chelsea out of trouble, Connor, Calvin's death and Adam. After all of that, Victor then asked Chelsea if he could see his grandson. Chelsea tells Victor that she is not against them seeing each other, it just has to be done in the right way. Victor says it needs to be done immediately. Chelsea is concerned especially since they just lost Calvin and all of this mess with Adam. Victor assures Chelsea that things will be okay and that he will not discuss Adam with Connor. As Chelsea gives Victor Connor's camp address, Nick walks in wanting to know what is going on. Victor lets Nick know that he's just there to check in, Nick reminds him of Christian's upcoming t-ball game. Victor tells Chelsea that his grandkids are important to him then he leaves. Chelsea questions whether or not she should be a part of Nick's life at all. Nick tries to calm Chelsea down by letting her know that things will be okay but Chelsea doesn't feel that now is the time for her to be at any Newman functions with her kid while Adam is being an outcast.

Later, Jack and Jill (lol) meet in the park. Jill informs Jack that Cane informed her about how the Abbotts how to put Dina into a home and they continue to discuss family. Jack shares that he's been having dreams about Dina questioning him about life, Jill gives him advice on how to handle it and how she had to do the same when she was going through her divorce. Nikki strolls in  and interrupts their conversation, Jill takes that as her cue to leave. Nikki and Jack sit and talk about Victor. Nikki tells him that she heard about him and Victor having a pleasant conversation and she wants to know what the change is in Jack. Jack tells her that he doesn't want to add stress to what Victor is going on now. Nikki know that Jack understands since they're going through the same thing with Dina. Jack shares that he wants to see Victor behind that desk at Newman where he belongs and to get better. Nikki is pleased to know that Jack actually cares. Later Jack meets Billy at Crimson Lights, they discuss how Jabot is doing well, Dina is okay and Billy decides that Jack just needs to get away for a while so he calls to get the jet prepared for Jack to go visit Ashley.

Wednesday 7/17: Nick and Michael meet at the coffee house to discuss the custody case, Adam's attorney has moved up the hearing to next week. As they're talking, Phyllis walks in and tries to talk to the guys but Nick shames her quickly and tells her to move on. Adam summoned Kevin to his apartment to obtain some blackmail documents to give to the judge presiding over the custody case (this old sneaky devil). Traci and Cane are in New York, they talk in the hotel hallway about their upcoming day and then they hit the streets. Billy is at the Chancellor Estate claiming to say goodbye to his mother, while holding Delia's doll, but she saw through him and knows something else is going on.

Jill can see that Billy is hurting over Delia and she tries to encourage him to stay strong by remind him of the things that he has and how Delia would want him to live.

Phyllis ignored Nick's shade then asked Michael how he was doing but Michael took that as his cue to leave the table to refill his coffee. Phyllis finally gets the point but when she gets up to leave, Nick questions her integrity and why she's working for Adam. Phyllis again ignores Nick then tries to throw shade on a hotel project that he was working on prior to Dark Horse being snatched from him. She tried to really throw shade when she told him that she will invite him to the grand opening and that she will be living in the penthouse. Nick matches her shade by telling her "too bad that you will be living alone"...good one, Nick. Later after Phyllis left, the men wonder what Phyllis is up to. Michael wonders if Phyllis will testify for Adam. Then Michael asked about Chelsea and Nick informs him that she doesn't want Adam raising his kids as well. Michael thinks they have a strong case but Nick is concerned.

Kevin tried not to take the documents but then Adam quotes Chloe's address and Kevin is in shock. Adam threatens to call the police on Chloe if Kevin doesn't stick to his plan. Kevin feeling stuck between a rock and a  hard place takes the documents as Adam turns his back, feeling victorious in the moment,  then makes a side comment "yeah, I should've done this a long time ago"....hmm I wonder what Kevin meant by that.

Phyllis is sitting in Dark Horse when Adam happily walks in. Phyllis questions why he is so happy and asked how many people did he cross to be in such a mood. Adam asked her how the hotel was coming along. She brings up Nick and Adam tells her that Nick will have other things to worry about since he will no longer be living with the kid he was raising. Phyllis tries to tell Adam to let the vendetta against Nick go, drop the lawsuit and allow Nick to raise Christian. Adam tells Phyllis that he thought she was smarter than to let Nick get into her head. Phyllis tells him that this is not about that, she goes on to tell him that he can't raise a kid alone, Nick has structure. Adam became defensive and said that he raised Connor but Phyllis reminded him that he had Chelsea to help then she tells him that Nick has been the only father that Christian knows and that Adam's life as a bachelor the past couple of years hasn't prepared him to be a father. Adam wasn't having anything she was saying and said that the battle will continue then he leaves the office.

Later, Traci and Cane run into each other again in the hotel lobby, Cane gave her some bagels from the place she recommended. Traci invites him into her suite, they talk about Cane's lunch with Charlie and the book release party that evening. Cane tells Traci that she will love the outfit that he will be wearing, since it is a themed 1920s event. Later, Cane and Traci surprise each other in their outfits. Traci tells him that he is dressed just as she envisioned Flynn would look. Then Cane asked if she based the character, Velma, after herself. She told him, just the sidekick part but Cane tells her that she is just as beautiful, smart and intelligent as Velma. As Cane goes giving compliments, Traci was saved from commenting by the notification ring on her phone. Later the two return after the party and Cane raves about how he had such a good time and how Traci was the life and light of the party. Then he asked Traci if she knows how much of an amazing person she is. Traci cries tears of joy and tells Cane that no one has said such nice things for her in a long time. She explains that after her daughter has passed and her husband left her, she has been living her life for others and not for herself. Cane tells her that now she can create her happily ever after and he hopes that he is around to see it, she hopes he does too. He is slowly falling for his cougar.

Jill says her goodbyes and Billy remains in the Chancellor house wallowing in this pain for Delia's death and anger for Adam when he sees the word "daddy" carved into a table in the living room, just like he saw in his dreams. Kevin walks in while Billy is staring at the table. Billy asked who did it and Kevin tells him that it looks as though it has been there for a while. Billy is still in a wonder because he thought that it was fresh. Billy questions if Kevin saw Delia do it, Kevin feels for Billy but tells him that he didn't see her do it and they reminisce about the loving child she was. Billy opens up about the nightmares he has been having. Kevin tells him that it is Adam and that his mind is playing tricks on him because of Adam. As Billy is leaving, Kevin encourages him to not let Adam get to him, then Billy leaves. Kevin then takes pictures of the evidence that Adam gave her when he received a phone call from Chloe. Kevin tells her to go an unknown place as a precaution. When Kevin goes to leave the estate, Michael shows up at the door....I don't think the judge is getting those documents. Michael wants to know what Kevin is up to and he assumes that Kevin is doing something for Adam. Kevin tries to play things off and say that he will be back with Chloe and Bella soon. Michael tells Kevin that he can't take on Adam alone but Kevin tells him that things will be just fine. Michael pushes for info but Kevin isn't budging and he told Michael that Adam has crossed the line for the last time.

Nick is sitting at the bar finishing a phone call with Rey about getting info on Adam, when Adam sits next to him. Nick tells him that he is not going to get custody and to drop the lawsuit. Adam sarcastically responds that Nick's advice was the 2nd worst advice that he has received that day. Adam tried to play games with Nick by telling him that he will give him 3 guesses as to whom wants him to drop the lawsuit but isn't interested in the games then Adam tells him that it was Phyllis. Nick tells him that he hasn't suggested anything to her or asked for her help. Adam then tells Nick that she isn't the devious person that he thinks she is, she is trying to make things right. Nick has had about enough of Adam so he gets up and lets him have it (verbally) and tells him that he will not win this lawsuit and once his team his done with him, he will not only not get custody of a kid, he won't get custody of a cactus.

Billy decides to take a run through Chancellor Park when Phyllis interrupts by asking who he was running from. Billy wants to know what she's up to and why she decided to show up to his commitment ceremony with Adam. Then he calls her just as corrupt as he is. But Phyllis responds that she may be just as devious but not as everyone thinks. Then she questions if it ever came to his mind that she may be using Adam to make everything right. Billy just tells her to do what she needs to do then he runs off.

Thursday 7/18: Jack arrives in Paris to visit Ashley. They met at a cafe to get caught up on life. Cane was up early to visit Traci in her hotel room. They look out the hotel room window and Cane makes a comment about how he could wake up to such a beautiful view daily. Traci thinks the comment is about her. Nate went to visit Devon. He told Devon that he was able to make some nice charitable contributions and make a down payment on a house since he sold the penthouse. Devon shares that he has been seeing a therapist and things are going really good and he's thinking about taking the next step with Elena. Nate questions if he's thinking about proposing. Kyle and Lola are having a quick PDA moment at Society when Theo comes in and kills their mood. Lola goes back to the kitchen while Theo attempts to apologize to Kyle for his childish shenanigans. Abby runs into Phyllis at the coffee house and tells her that she has a proposition that she might be interested in.

Devon tells him that he's not talking about proposing, he wants to ask Elena to live together as a couple rather than roommates. Nate encourages him to go for it if it makes him happy. Later Elena comes home from work and Devon shares that he thinks that they should live together. Elena smiles, tells Devon that she needs to take a shower and maybe they can discuss this while they take a walk. Devon is okay with that. Based on how they're both smiling, the answer will be yes. Later the two are strolling in the park hand and hand talking about the adjustments that they will have to make. Devon shares how happy this change will make him and how he desires for them to be close. After their walk, they are back at the penthouse and Devon tells Elena "welcome home" and they make love in "their" bedroom.

Theo is on this apologetic rant and Kyle wants to know what all of this is about. Theo wants the old Kyle back but Kyle insist that he is still the same, his priorities are just different. Theo goes on to say how he was kind of offended when Kyle told him to grow up but they're all cool now. They can still get down like they did in New York and that he can keep Kyle's secrets. Kyle is confused and asked "what secrets?" Theo being the idiot that he is says, "exactly" and laughs it off. Lola is watching from the side. Lola interrupts the guys offering to make them a meal but Summer comes in and decides to flirt with Theo in front of them then tells the crew that she has other plans for Theo then they take off. Lola sits with Kyle, she tells him that she overheard their convo and asked about how he was in NY. Kyle explains that he was a man child living in New York with a nice bank account and that he has done some things that he isn't proud of but he has grown up since then. Kyle heads off to work when Rey walked in, checked on Lola then she had to get back to the kitchen, lightly disturbed about Kyle's past. Lola comes back out with Rey's togo order and he tells her that he isn't leaving until she shares what is bothering her and he wants to know what Kyle has done. She shares that he hasn't done anything, he just has a bad boy past that she doesn't know about and that it keeps coming up. Rey tells her to trust their instincts and to ask questions then he leaves.

Abby and Phyllis sit at a table while Abby pitches her proposal to expand Society and to open it in the new hotel that Phyllis is building. Phyllis questions if doing business together would work since Abby is both a Newman and an Abbott and she isn't getting along with either family right now, plus the families would go for Abby and Phyllis working together. Abby explains that her family can't make any business decisions where Society is involves, just because they don't get along doesn't been they can't do business together. They both can make money. Phyllis tells her that she will think about it then leaves. Nate then walks in and greets Abby at the table. Nate tells Abby that he is going house hunting, he's done with living at the GCAC. Abby jokes about him doing lawn work. He invites her to go hunting with him and she accepts. Abby and Nate are at Lily and Cane's old house, they're surprised it's on the market. Nate wants to know if Cane would be okay selling it to him. Abby tells him that there's only one way to find out. He sends Cane a text asking to buy the house and he said yes. They get excited and start making out in the kitchen. Later they arrive at Society and Nate thanks her for joining him. They lightly talk about the house then Abby says that they have to get back to work. As Nate was leaving, Abby stops him and asked if he will be her plus 1 at the Newman family dinner. Nate accepts. Lola comes out of the kitchen commenting on Abby's smile, Abby shares her morning with Nate, and Lola shares that she needs to talk to her about something . Lola questions Abby about Kyle's NY days and how things are coming up with Theo. Abby shares that Theo is just missing his old running friend and how Kyle has grown and not living that life anymore. Abby shares that everyone has a past and there are some things that she wish she could go back and change but she can't. She goes on to tell Lola to not let the past get in the way of her future, then she leaves to handle some business and Lola decides to call Theo for a little chat.

Cane and Traci have breakfast in Traci's hotel living room. They share how they're having such a nice time when Traci says it's too bad that they have to get back home. Cane wonders if he can make NY his new reality. Traci questions why Cane wants to stay in New York. Cane expresses that he wants a fresh start for them and he wants to explore the possibilities when Cane gets a text notification. Traci wants to know what it is and he said it's the stars aligning for them, it was the text from Nate about buying the house. Cane is happy that the house will stay in the family, he's that things are working out then he tells Traci that he's happy that he can share this moment with her and Traci has this shocked look on her face. Traci wanted this but it seems that she doesn't know how to handle it. Cane then shares that he would like to see how things go, not next year but now. Cane apologizes for getting overwhelmed, Traci is in tears and says that it's okay but she did this. She shares how she has been having this desire for him for a while and she knew when it started. She shares how great it's been feeling to have someone pay attention to her the way he has been and how she was able to create these moments in the book. Cane is asking if this is over. Traci shares although all of this is lovely that they can only be great friends and Cane agrees and they share a friendly hug. Welp, that love story is over.

Ashley and Jack get caught up, they talk about a company tour that Ashley took him on. They lightly joke about business. Ashley then shares that she spoke with Billy and how it was his idea that Jack visit Paris and Ashley wants to know what's going on with him. Jack shares that this is just a spur of the moment vacation but Ashley isn't accepting that answer. Jack then shares that he doesn't know what is going on with him, especially since everything is going well. Ashley shares nothing could be wrong, he probably just needs a new perspective. Ashley shares how she is handling things in Paris, especially with their mother. She suggest that they go eat chocolate and have a nice time. They share sibling hug.

Summer and Theo are frolicing in the park when Phyllis crashes their foodless picnic. Theo jumps when he sees her. Phyllis asked for time with her daughter and Theo grabs his things and leave. Summer wants to know why Summer is blowing off work to hang with a player like Theo. Summer defends her relationship with Theo but Phyllis tells her that it has to stop. Summer shares that her life is going well doing her social media influence job and she's happy. Phyllis tells her that all of her actions just means that she isn't happy and that she could be doing better things like coming to work with her at Dark Horse, Theo is now back and overhears Phyllis mention work and suggest that they do work together promoting the big hotel. Phyllis agrees and Summer gets all upset at the 10 second conversation that her mother had with Theo and rants how her mother can't focus on her for 10 minutes.  Umm, her mother was trying but Summer was too busy being a brat, anyway, Summer grabs Theo and they storm off. They go to Crimson Lights to talk. Theo wants to know what Summer is up to now that Kyle has moved on and she shares that she is open to have fun. They laugh and then she leaves for a meeting.

Rey visits Phyllis at Dark Horse and he tells her that he is working on a case and he needs some info now. Rey shares that he is investigating the whereabout of Chance. Phyllis wants to know why and why he's questioning her. He tells her because she was in Vegas and he went missing right after her last visit. She shares that she was in Vegas for some R&R, when she was there she did want to talk to him about his half brother, Ronan (haven't heard that name in a while) but that Chance was nowhere to be found. Rey says okay and to let him know if something comes up. He leaves with a concerned look on his face, knowing that Phyllis is lying. Phyllis sits down like she was just caught and her lies are about to be exposed. I see some new characters coming back!!

Friday 7/19: Phyllis summoned Adam to Dark Horse to inform him of Rey's suspicion with him and Chance. Adam tells her that Rey is wasting his time because he only knows Chance through the gambling realm of Vegas. Phyllis doesn't believe him so she tells him that whatever his connection is with Chance that he better get his story straight. Chelsea is nervous about the family dinner, especially due to her past. Nikki and Victor are at Society preparing for the Newman Family Dinner. Abby and Nate arrive together and the Newman parentals are happy that they are dating. Billy and Victoria arrive and are pleasantly greeted by the parentals as well. Victor pulls Victoria to the side and wanted to discuss business but Victoria feels that they can wait but Victor shares that he read over a business deal and he thinks she may have left some things out. Victoria and Nikki both look at Victor sideways. Summer and Kyle meet at Crimson Lights to discuss business and Kyle brings up her relationship with Theo. Theo arrived at Society, responding to Lola's call and she starts to ask about the old Kyle (she should know, you don't ask questions you really don't want to know the answers to).

Summer questions why Kyle feels that she shouldn't talk to Theo. Kyle tries to tell her that she doesn't know who she is dealing with but Summer acts as if she knows it all and tells him that she used to be a wild child, she can handle Theo. Kyle accepts her responds and tells her so be it then he leaves.

Theo tells Lola that she has nothing to worry about but she won't let up. She is dead set in wanting to know about her fiance's past behavior with Don Don and Theo, so Theo said that he will spill the beans. He said that they were typical young boys doing young boys things from bar to bar and that all of this happened before he met her. Lola tells him that she got the sense that it was a lot more but this time Theo tells her that she needs to question Kyle. Little did they know Summer was eavesdropping and when Lola walked away from Theo, she approached him wanting to know if he was trying to drop bombs on Lola and Kyle's relationship. Theo shared that Lola actually summoned him and he was just telling her what she wanted to know. Theo starts kissing Summer and suggest that they to his room now but she turns him down and tells him that she is booked and he looks disappointed. Well she has the Newman dinner to attend. 

Adam tells Phyllis not to attempt to talk him out of suing Nick for custody. Phyllis shares that she is only trying to help him, like he helped her get another chance then she asked again about what happened between him and Chance. Adam doesn't answer Phyllis but he is appreciative of her concern and wants to show her.

Kevin decides to break in Adam's house to return the documents and when he was about to make a phone call he was interrupted by his brother Michael wanting to know what the hell he was doing. Kevin is surprised that Michael followed him and Michael demanded to know what was going on. Kevin shares that Adam wanted to use some compromising photos of the judge to rig the case but he was going to flip the script on Adam by calling the police and informing them of Adam's plan. Michael tells Kevin that his idea is not going to work and that he didn't think things through. Michael wants to know what will stop Adam from letting the cops know that Chloe is still alive and not coming after him later. Kevin shares that he and Chloe will go to a new secured place. Michael tries to take the photos but Kevin shares that he has copies, he took pictures with his phone. Michael asked to see them and when Kevin shows him, Michael snatches the phone and deletes them. Kevin is upset (little brother style...his feelings are just hurt) and Michael tells him to let him handle it and go. Kevin obeys his big brother and leaves.

Victoria and Victor continue to talk business and Victoria defends her business deal and Victor seemed pleased then the mood shifted when Nick and Chelsea walked in. Chelsea was greeted with condolences and Victor shared his appreciation for allowing him to see his grandchildren. Abby introduced her to Nate but didn't know which last name to use (Lawson, Budeareax or Newman) and Chelsea accepted the shade and said she doesn't know which she is either. When Nate and Abby went to get drinks, Nikki felt that it was her time to shade Chelsea and she approached her saying that the last time she attended a Newman dinner, everyone found out she was engaged to Nick. Victor makes a toast and gives praises to those around the table, including showing appreciation to Billy for supporting his daughter. As he was finishing up, Adam and Phyllis shows up to the restaurant so and Adam crashes and asked his dad if he had any nice words for him. Adam wanted to know if his invitation got lost in the mail. Phyllis tried to tell Adam that now was not the time but he doesn't stop, then he started in on Chelsea commenting that her husband hasn't even been dead a week and she's already at a new family function and Nick quickly comes to her defense. Victor tells Adam to go about his business and Phyllis again tries to take Adam away from the family reminding him to back off. They leave the family table and go to the bar. The Newman offspring, Billy, and Chelsea come together wanting to know why Phyllis is being so supportive of Adam. Billy shares that she said that she was using him, Nick shares that she tried to get Adam to drop the lawsuit, and Chelsea shares that whatever it is the two of them are no good together.  Later, Adam and Phyllis are watching the Newman family have dinner and Adam is jealous and makes comments about how they are acting like they are having a good time. Phyllis tells him to let things go. Adam suggest that they get take out and go back to his place but Phyllis sees Summer and declines. Summer approaches them, Adam leaves, and she tells her mother that she is making a habit of crashing Newman events. Phyllis snaps back at Summer telling her that she wants her when she needs something but once things are good, she goes back to being nasty towards her, one thing is constant, she is her mother and that is not going to change and they need to deal with things now. Back at the Newman table the family are all appreciative that the parentals have put this dinner together. Victor tells everyone thanks for coming out, he knows that they have a hard day in front of them and they can go about their day.....he's having a side effect. Victor quickly recovers by saying that he meant that they all have been working late and that he knows that they have a long day ahead of them tomorrow. The family accepts his error and they lighten the mood. Back at the bar, Summer and Phyllis are arguing about who makes the most mistakes and bad judgements of character, then Phyllis asked her why is she trying to manipulate her feelings like this. Summer claps back that she learned the manipulation from her mother and Phyllis tells her that she was a stellar pupil, then Summer storms off and rejoins her Newman family. Summer got one thing right, she does act just like her mother. 

Adam arrives home to see Michael sitting comfortably on his sofa and he asked how he got it. Michael shares that his brother broke in and he followed him. Adam sees that Michael has the photos in his hand. Adam makes a comment suggesting that he knows what Michael's plan will be but how it will backfire since he broke into his home. Michael shares that what he just said was Kevin's plan but that he has something different in mind. Adam is curious. Michael want to make a deal.

Kyle meets Lola at the coffee house by telling her that he got her text. Lola again questions Kyle about his past saying that she needs to know who he really is before she can marry him. This child ain't going to make it to the altar, she needs to let some things go.

Later that evening, the Newman clan have all ended up at their perspective homes. Billy and Victoria are in the bed. Chelsea and Nick are at his place recapping the night and each other's feelings. Nick tells Chelsea that she isn't alone in this process and they share a hug that Chelsea had to stop before they ended up hugging horizontally. We will see these two in the sheets real soon.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Young and The Restless Update 7/1 - 7/5

Monday 7/1: At Dark Horse Chelsea is in shock to see Adam and Adam wants time alone with her but Nick isn't having. Chelsea tells Nick that it's okay, she needs to talk to Adam alone and that she can handle it. The two share a kiss, then Adam says "let's go home" then they leave hand and hand. Really? She is going to up and leave like that? She is wearing a nice rock on her left hand to show that she is married to someone else, lordt. Kevin goes to Society, when he sees Phyllis he tries to avoid her but she calls him to her table. Kevin finds out that she is the new CEO and he is shocked. Phyllis needed help with something on the computer so Kevin helped her. While he was typing away, Phyllis got a whiff of his cologne then realized that he was the one who kidnapped her and she grabbed him by the collar and called him out. At Devon's, Elena notices that Devon is packing up Hillary's things when Ana walks in and explained the talk she had with Devon.

Devon sees that Elena had one of the DVDs in her hand and she explains that she wasn't going through his things, then Ana explains what was going on. Devon looks at the DVD and recalls that particular episode and Elena asked him to share the details of the day and show, the ladies intently listen. After Devon shares some wonderful moments about Hillary, he seems a little more at peace with his decision. The ladies help Devon clear out Hillary's things and he is appreciative. Devon wants to donate her items to the church. As they're gathering her last things, Devon shares memories of several of Hillary's items. Later, Ana and Devon return from the church and he is happy that Elena was by his side and he's happy that she is helping him out of his dark place. They share a kiss.

Kevin pushes Phyllis away and he pretends to not know what she's talking about but Phyllis tells him that next time he decided to kidnap someone to not lather up in cologne. Kevin still plays dumb saying that they're friends but Phyllis isn't believing it and she wants to know why he's in GC and he's going to tell her. Phyllis was giving Kevin shake baby syndrome as he was still trying to convince her that he didn't kidnap her. Kevin tells her to ask Adam about what's going on she steps back and tells him that they're not done with this and Kevin decides to make his exit just as Nick was walking in. Nick gives Phyllis a brief stare down before she asked what is he blaming her for now. He tells her that Chelsea is in town and it's because of Adam, now they're off together doing God knows what (jealous?). Phyllis tells him that it's only matter of time before she knows that he was alive all this time and you know that they can't stay away from each other. Nick continues to blame Phyllis for Adam and Chelsea being together because she was the one who pushed Chelsea out of town. If it wasn't for her, he and Chelsea may be together. They lightly argue about the past, then Phyllis owned what she did but Nick still wasn't accepting it. Phyllis then took responsibility of her past and Nick admits that no matter what happened, he still would've been blindsided to find out that Adam is Christian's father. They're conversation takes a turn and becomes light then Phyllis shares that she is kind of happy the Chelsea is back because she will bring back some negativity that will divert some heat off her. They share a light laugh and Nick lets Phyllis know that he is not letting Chelsea off the hook.

Kevin is sitting at Crimson Lights contemplating life when Mariah walks in and they are glad to see each other, then try to catch up on life. Mariah tells Kevin to share his problems so that she can fix them. Kevin is confused but she explains that her job title allows her to fix people's problems and images and then she tells him that she is the new head of Power Communications. They share a happy moment but Mariah wants to know what's going on. Kevin shares very little with Mariah and she tells him to take responsibility and some other lame advice.

Chelsea and Adam arrive at the penthouse and she's surprised that he's living there. He talks about his amnesia and if he didn't have it he wouldn't have been able to stay away then he tells her that he's ready to start their relationship again. Chelsea said that they need to talk. They talk about Connor and how he's doing, she tells Adam that she dropped him off at Sleep Away camp before she got there, Adam suggest they leave to go get him and when he was about to pick of the phone to get plane tickets, Chelsea busted his bubble by telling him that she's there to tell him to let her go and he mouth dropped. Adam suggest that they slow things down, Chelsea agrees, then Adam admits that he got carried away. Chelsea reminds him that it's been 3 years and Adam tells her that it feels like it's yesterday. Adam tries to tell her that the past 3 years have been an entanglement but Chelsea tells him that Calvin is not an entanglement, he's her husband (hmm, a new character possibly coming). Adam thinks that it's going to take time but Chelsea again busted his bubble by telling him that she has moved on and married. He has no idea what she went through after he died and she did whatever it took to survive. Adam still isn't listening because he keeps suggesting that they get back together and Chelsea calls him out on it. When she tries to tell him that they can't go back to how things were, he pushes by saying that they can then she just flat out says that she doesn't want to. Chelsea is killing Adam's vibe for real. Adam then suggest that they start over, they can leave GC and move anywhere but Chelsea reminds him that she is married and her husband has adopted Connor. Adam says that now that he is alive, her and her husband will never have what they had then he asked her if she really loves him (never ask a question that you really don't want answered). Chelsea avoids answering the question by sharing they she and her husband have a good life and she feels that she doesn't need to answer his question. Adam questions if Connor is calling his new step-daddy dad and Chelsea explained that Calvin has become his father and if Adam loves him then he needs to leave Connor's life as it is. Adam can't do that, he can't allow his son to live a lie like he had. Chelsea tells Adam that he is a myth to Connor, something of the past. Adam shares how he was once in Connor's shoes and he wasn't happy when he found out that Victor was his father. He told her that Connor will be angry when he finds out Adam is his real father. He goes on to say that he doesn't want Connor to have Calvin's last name. Chelsea tells Adam that he doesn't have to worry about Connor getting mad because he will never know that Adam is his father and right now he his happy with her and Calvin. But this time Adam goes into his dark place by telling Chelsea that the truth will always be revealed, Connor will not be  Connor Whatever Calvin's Last Name Is, he will always be Connor NEWMAN. Chelsea calls out Adam's dark side by saying there he is, the Adam that traffic's in fear and intimidation, the Adam that everyone has warned her about. He questions, everyone or Nick? Then Adam goes on to say that Nick has always known that she loves him with no fear or augment. She responded "that was true", Adam tries to tell her that it still is. She claps back, not anymore then she leaves. Adam sits in his tears, yes, he broke down crying. Let the angry, pity party begin.

Tuesday 7/2: Nick followed Chelsea to Chancellor park to talk. Phyllis summoned Adam to Dark Horse saying that it was an emergency to question him about her kidnapping and Kevin. Lola and Kyle are at Society waiting on Lola's mother, Celeste Rosales, so that Kyle can meet her and he is nervous. Celeste arrives and the initial greeting went well. Summer and Theo are at the annual GC carnival and she is walking around in heels (really). Summer offers Theo a drink from her thermo, he thinks it's water until he gets a whiff and notices it's alcohol and he takes a swig.

Summer and Theo are enjoying games when she shares that she crashed Lola's bridal shower then she starts to rant about how people become old and boring after they get married, at this point you can tell that she may have had a little too much to drink. She called marriage a bad thing and marrying Kyle was the worse mistake of her life. They continue to enjoy different activities then they have a bright idea to go "have fun" in the fun house. Later Summer and Theo come stumbling out of the fun house, laughing about their nasty fun. Summer sees that she has messages, instead of responding she deletes them and suggest they continue to have fun.

Celeste and Kyle are getting to know each other with Lola by his side. Kyle asked Celeste where she was staying and she informed him that she was staying at the GCAC but now that the shower is over, she doesn't have to hide anymore and she can stay with her beautiful daughter. Kyle and Lola give her a surprising look. Kyle tries to convince Celeste that she is currently staying that at the nicest hotel in the city but she insist on staying with her daughter. So Kyle suggest that he go clean up some paint cans so that he can make the place more comfortable and Lola agrees and tells him that he needs her keys, they're pretending that they don't live together but the look on Celeste face says that she's not falling for it. As Kyle is leaving he runs into Mariah and drags her along for help. Kyle starts packing his things and begs for Mariah to help. Mariah wants to know what's going on and she explains that they need to just chill and be honest but Kyle isn't listening and wants her to keep packing. Back at Society, Lola and her mother are catching up on family and Lola's accomplishments. Celeste is happy for her daughter. Later, Lola and Celeste arrive at the apartment while Kyle and Mariah are still inside. Lola reintroduces her mother to Mariah then Mariah makes an awkward exit. Celeste asked for the bathroom and Kyle tells her to check out the shower head while she's in there. Lola explains that Kyle installed it and he's happy with himself. Celeste tells them that it will be good having a handyman around once they move in together. As they continue to talk, Kyle and Lola learn that Celeste is planning on staying until after the wedding. Kyle wants to know how come she hasn't told her mother anything and she explains that her mother has high expectations. Once they realize that it could be a while, Kyle suggest that they tell her the truth. Celeste comes from their room with wedding planner in hand and says that she's going to help Kyle give Lola the wedding of her dreams and Mr. Groomzilla doesn't look too thrilled. Celeste explains that this is something that she's been wanting to do since her daughter was a baby, she went on to list the things that need to be done and Kyle tried to object but she just keep talking about how they're going to be one big happy family then she wanted to know when she could meet the famous Abbotts and Kyle just smiles.

Chelsea tells Nick that she was surprised that he reached out, she assumed that he had written her off. She admits that she should have handled things better yet he put their past aside to warn her about Adam. Nick said that he had to and she appreciated that. She apologizes to Nick for how she bailed on him and then said she tried to forget him but she couldn't, he mattered to her then she pleads for his forgiveness. Nick explains how he was preparing a life for their family and went she left, she left a big hole in his heart. Once she left, he was able to see things in a different perspective and he understood her decisions, she really didn't have people to count on. Chelsea confirms that Nick is currently happy, he said yes. They talk about Christian and Nick offers a chance for her to see him in person. Later Chelsea meets Nick and Christian at the carnival and she has tears of joy. She makes light conversation with Christian as Nick is holding him. As they watch Christian enjoy himself, Chelsea has some regrets but Nick tells her that everything is okay. Nick then invites Chelsea to his place (looks like he's trying to have some fun at home). Later they arrive at Nick's and they talk. Nick asked if Adam mentioned to her about the lawsuit, she told him no but she shared how Adam is threatening to take Connor from her and how he thinks the kids need to be with their father. Chelsea goes on to say that Connor did bring out the best in Adam. Nick wants to know what she is going to do and she tells him that she isn't giving up her kid. Nick wants to them to join forces. Nick asked about her husband and Chelsea shares how he loves Connor and how Calvin is there for her. Nick is happy for her. Nick asked if they could have a dinner date before she leaves town and she says that she's free tonight.

Phyllis goes on to say that the next time he decides to hire a henchman, chose someone at a higher power. Adam admits that he wasn't the one to hire Kevin and explained why Kevin kidnapped her in the first place. Phyllis is now irate. Phyllis asked for reasons not to retaliate, Adam tells her that since Kevin works for him now and it's not costing him anything to keep him there (blackmail) they use his talents. Phyllis thinks about how much fun it will be to have Kevin at her beck and call then she wants to know why and what Kevin did to him. But Adam isn't giving up the real reason (Chloe). But Phyllis asked how Kevin is with catering, Adam wants to know why, and she explains that he will be serving at the party that she's throwing at Adam's, yes he's hosting. Adam just shakes his head and leaves. Phyllis is going through her invite list and she says that she must invite the haters. She called Summer to be her date to the carnival but Summer's phone went to voicemail. Later Phyllis decided to take herself to the carnival, she plays a couple of games and looks around.

Adam had Kevin meet him at his place, when Kevin arrives Adam gave him his new orders, follow Chelsea and he wants all of the details. Kevin wants to know why since she's the love of his life then he wonders if Chelsea even wants to deal with him. Adam thinks that Kevin has jokes and wants him to remember who has the upper hand in this matter. Not only does Adam wants to know Chelsea's every move, he wants to know where Connor's summer camp is. Kevin told him that when it comes to the kids, that's where he draws the line. Adam snaps back that he draws the lines and Kevin crosses them. Kevin stands his ground that Connor is off limits but Adam isn't having it and threatens Bella and Chloe if Kevin doesn't do what he says. Later, after Kevin leaves, there's a knock at Adam's door. An older gentleman is on the other side and Adam wants to know if he could help him. The man says, I could probably help you, I am Chelsea's husband, Calvin Budereaux and I think we need to talk. Then he lets himself in into Adam's home. I think I might like this man. We have to wait until the next episode to see how Adam responds.

Wednesday 7/3: Victor visit Victoria at Newman, he has also called Abby to meet him there as well. Nick and Chelsea have dinner at Society. Nick asked about where she went and she's been up to. Phyllis is at Dark Horse meeting with a realtor about some new property. Summer and Theo are at Crimson Lights sobering up for more partying. Theo starts to talk business when Summer decides that she doesn't want to and that she has skipped out on a meeting. She also goes on to think that the people at Jabot probably think that she has taken another job and that they will be texting her any moment begging her to come back because they need her skills. Well she got a text alright, it was from Kyle telling her to get her act together quick or she will be out of a job and she is upset. Oops, guess they got her.

Elena arrives home from grocery shopping and Devon greets her at the door. He realizes that she's making herself at home and he offered to let her make some changes to make her more comfortable. She appreciates him for making her feel welcome. Devon and Elena try to find some time to have a date but their schedules seem to conflict but since they're both available at the moment they decide to have a 2nd first date. Devon takes Elena to the carnival and they trash talk about the games they're going to play and just have a nice time. Later the two arrive home and Elena suggest placing a small bear that Devon won next to a picture of his family and he loves the idea.

Victor meets with the ladies in his life, Nikki, Victoria and Abby, and he informs them of the new treatment that he will be undergoing. Nikki already knows about the treatment and tells the girls that he's already started and things will be fine. The girls worry about the side effects. Nikki explains what Nate told them, but left out the possible loss of mental capacity. Victor tells them that he's not going to sit in a corner somewhere and be a coward. The girls ask about Nick and the parents inform them that he helped him make his decision. Victor wants the support of his family and Abby embraces her father. Later after the girls leave Victor attempts to look at some work on the desk but Nikki stops him and he has plans. Nikki surprised Victor with an outing for him to take his mind off the current situation. Guess where they guessed it the carnival! They run into Devon and Elena, Devon introduces Elena to the Newmans. They talk about the games they played and prizes they won then they went their separate ways. They are happy that Devon was able to find happiness in someone after losing his loved ones.

Little Miss Summer wants to know where Kyle gets off threatening her. Theo explains that he is just protecting his company. Summer is still a little drunk and she rants that while she is out schmoozing with clients, Kyle is doing nothing but sitting up under his Lola. She goes on about how Kyle didn't even check to see if she was okay. Then she receives a text from Kyle asking if everything was ok. You can tell that her little feelings are hurt. Theo suggest they go out and have fun but Summer is focused on her phone. Theo eventually gains her attention and they agree not to talk about Kyle or work so they talk about a few things then she brings up going to Lola's shower again and how she was trying to show that she was cool with Lola marrying her husband. Theo gets up and Summer wants to know where he's going. He told her that he isn't waiting til tomorrow to go to Austin, he's going tonight because he doesn't want to sit and listen to her pity party about her ex and his soon to be wife. Then he leaves.

Chelsea updates Nick on her whereabouts, how she avoided her mother for a few months but then got in contact with her. Now Anita is living her best life. Nick comments that she's moved around a lot before settling in Louisiana, getting married to Calvin and having him adopt her son. Then Nick jealously comments that he guessed it was love at first sight. Nick asked how they met and Chelsea explained that he kind of met him through her mother. Anita was suppose to be on a blind date but when he met Chelsea, the rest is history. Now Anita can keep on living her best life with money and not be tied down to men. She went on how Calvin didn't question her past and she didn't question his and they are happy. Nick throws some shade about their past and Chelsea tries to smooth things over. Chelsea is still in awe about Society and how GC is coming up. She's shares again that she's happy that Nick reached out and that he gave her number to Adam. Nick admits that it was Victoria that actually gave Adam her number. Then they go back and forth wondering why one reached out and why the other showed up and who was trying to get back with who then Calvin shows up wanting the answers to all the questions. Calvin wants to meet Chelsea's date, she tells him this is no date, this is Nick Newman. Calvin explains how he found how his wife was not a spa but in GC, she apologizes but that she had to tell Adam face to face that it was over. He just wished that she told him so that he could be there with her. Calvin gets to know Nick, the one Chelsea was going to marry and the one who grew up knowing Victor was his dad. They have light conversation about life and how Calvin loves Connor. Calvin shares pictures of he and Connor out fishing and Nick is happy that Connor has someone to look up to. Calvin closes out the night, Nick asks if he will see Chelsea again and she informs him that she doesn't know how long she will be in town. They give goodbye hugs and the Budereaux's make their exit hand in hand.

Victoria drops in on Phyllis at Dark Horse. They begin to throw salty jabs at each other. But Victoria tells her that she is there on business, a company is now moving out of one of Dark Horse's buildings into one of Newman's and its showing how little Phyllis knows about real estate because the client was one of Dark Horse's top clients. Phyllis tries to play the tough guy routine but when Victoria leaves after gloating, Phyllis looks concerned. Later Phyllis goes to Crimson Lights and runs into her sulking daughter and she wants to know what's wrong. Summer tells her that her life sucks and that she's about to go home to run from the world. When she gets up to leave, she starts to stumble and Phyllis notices that her daughter is drunk. Summer says that alcohol is good to numb the pain but not for walking. Phyllis takes her drunk ass daughter home. They arrive at Phyllis' suite at the GCAC, Phyllis gives her daughter some meds to help wit the upcoming hangover she's going to have. Summer starts to rant how she and Theo were suppose to have a no strings attached relationship but he jetted as soon as she started talking about Kyle. Then she started to go down the path on how she she gave Kyle everything including her liver. She starts to sulk again and her mother cuddles her. Later Phyllis comes out of the bathroom to her daughter passed out in the bed.

Thursday 7/4: Phyllis awakens from her slumber to find a note from Summer on the pillow thanking her for taking care of her and that she was off to meeting. Jack and Kyle have breakfast at Society after having a meeting with Summer, Jack mentioned that Summer was nursing a nasty hangover. Anyhoo, Kyle informs his dad that Celeste is in town and how he and Lola are pretending not to live with each other, also how Celeste wants to stay until the wedding. Later after their breakfast, Phyllis comes storming in looking for her daughter, the men tell her that she went home but for some reason Phyllis doesn't believe them. Jack tells Kyle that he will handle Phyllis so Kyle leaves and Jack informs Phyllis of Summer's condition and suggested for her to call her. Phyllis said that she tried then she got to crying about how the only time her daughter wants to see her is when she is miserable. Oh Phyllis, you use people then get mad/sad when they don't want to fool with you. Celeste and Lola are getting ready to go to the Abbott mansion for the 4th of July party, Celeste is looking forward to meeting Jack then she starts telling Lola that she doesn't think she should live alone and how she should get a roommate then Lola comes clean about her and Kyle living together and Celeste let her know that she knew it all along. Ana meets up with Mariah and Tessa at the coffee house to show them all of the hits that Tessa's video received online, along with the positive comments from the viewers. Mariah wants to know Devon's opinion and Ana informs them that Devon doesn't even know.

Ana tries to assure the girls that he will love the video, he's just dealing with some other things right now and she didn't want to miss out on the opportunity. Mariah thinks Devon is going to give Ana hell. Ana leaves but tells the ladies that she will meet them at the carnival later. Tessa takes off as well but Mariah hangs back to handle some business when Kevin walks in and joins her. She asked about his situation, Kevin tells her that it hasn't changed but that he is going to try to keep a positive attitude about it and Mariah thinks he is crazy. Mariah tries again to get Kevin to give the details about the situation but Kevin tells her that he can't then he starts talking about people John Adams who made great things out of a terrible situation. They laugh things off then head to the carnival. While at the carnival, Mariah tells Kevin about Tessa, when she goes to get the ladies to introduce them to Kevin, he disappears. Mariah becomes worried when all of a sudden they hear Tessa's song over the speakers, then Kevin comes back and tells them that he went to speak with the sound guy and they are all excited.

Lola is still shocked how her mother tricked her into confessing about her and Kyle living together and how she manipulated Kyle moving back home so that she could spend more time with her daughter. They laugh things off and finish preparing for their afternoon of fun at the Abbott's.

Jack acknowledges that Phyllis is still having issues with Summer. Phyllis mentions that she is feeling less than a mother lately, then she asked Jack if Summer has mentioned anything to her. She told Jack about their mother/daughter time but now she feels like Summer treated her like a one night stand. She rants on how she's trying but Jack suggest she change her personality and Phyllis suggested that he go to hell. Jack explains his suggestion and how she needs to be the person that her daughter needs. Phyllis says that she tries but Jack reminds Phyllis of the things she's done along with her vindictiveness and bitterness and how it plays to her problems not being able to be fixed over night. Phyllis becomes angry and then invites Jack to her party that evening with Adam so that he can see the new Phyllis. Jack gave her a "have you lost your mind look" then asked why would he come to that. She goes on about how all of the powerhouses of GC need to come together and blah blah blah.....basically she wants to gloat about how she is a CEO. Then she leaves.

Kyle is at the Abbott mansion freaking out about Celeste coming over and finding out that he and Lola actually live together. Traci tries to calm him down when the doorbell rings and it's Lola and Celeste. Lola tries to get Kyle away to inform him that Celeste knows but Kyle wants to introduce Lola to Traci then give her the tour of the mansion that she wants. While Kyle was going on about how the Abbotts love each other, Lola cuts him off and tells him that she knows. Kyle wants to know when she found out and Celeste told him when they started lying about it. They all share a laugh about it. Lola is glad that they don't have to lie anymore, Celeste shares that she doesn't think less of Kyle. Kyle wants to know if he can come home, Lola says yes and Celeste says no. Celeste wants to continue to catch up with her daughter and she feels that Kyle needs to spend more time with his family until he becomes a married man. Kyle and Lola accept the situation for the time being. As Celeste questions Traci to get the details of her new book, Jack comes in. They greet each other, Celeste lightly flirts with Jack and Lola is embarrassed. Then the next guess arrives, it's Cane and Traci excitedly welcomes him in. Jack gives Celeste the tour, when he suggest to show her the pool house where Kyle lives, they let him in on the fact that she knows. Well Jack thinks it's time to get the festivities started, he gives a toast and welcomes Celeste. Kyle then adds on telling promising Celeste that he will always love and care for Lola and to faith for bringing them together. Later as time passed by, Lola and Kyle are enjoying some time alone and realize that Celeste is trying to keep the two from the bedroom when comes into the den and crashes their party of 2 suggesting that they watch a firework display celebration on TV. Kyle suggest that she could either watch on TV or they could go to the carnival and watch them live. Celeste says that she is a little jet lagged and suggest that her and Lola call it an early night but Lola isn't having that. She gave her mother the keys to her place and told her that she and Kyle were looking forward to the going to the carnival. Once she left, they decided to stay that the mansion to make fireworks of their own.

Phyllis arrives to Adam's penthouse for the party but finds a note from him saying that he had to make some runs and for her to start the party without him. Phyllis is not happy at all. Well, as she is accepting that she is going to run this shindig by herself, the doorbell rings. Phyllis gets excited but then that excitement fails when she realizes it's just Lauren and Michael. Lauren throws digs about why no one is there, no one wants to fool with her and Adam, but since they're there might as well make the best of it. When Lauren walks away to grab a drink, Phyllis tries to go in on Michael about Kevin kidnapping her, Michael plays dumb and asked Phyllis how much she has drank but Phyllis believes he knows something. Lauren comes back to them but is still in petty mode, by commenting on no one being there. Later Jack arrives and asked if he arrived to a wake. Phyllis is upset then he reminds her of her words about CEOs and business people supporting one another. Then he asked about Adam, Phyllis is quiet. Jack realizes that Adam is not even at his own party. Later, Phyllis calls and leaves Summer a message. Lauren tells Jack that she thinks something crazy is going on between Phyllis and Michael. Phyllis overheard then gets mad that they are drinking her liquor and eating her food while talking about them. Jack tells her, what did she expect, it's like a funeral. She takes his drink then tells him he can leave. Michael suggest that they follow suit, she snatches their drinks as well. Lauren wanted to know what she really expected for tonight, no one trust her and Adam. Phyllis snaps that this was a celebration for a hotel but encourages them out of the door. Once they leave, she grabs a bottle of champagne and sadly watches the fireworks display from the penthouse window. This misery has no company.

Cane and Traci decided to take some time and go attend the carnival as well. As they're walking, Traci pretends to create a scene from the book at the carnival in which her an Cane kiss. She doesn't share that with Cane, it was in her head. They continue to have fun at the carnival and talk about what's next for Traci, she explains how she has to do tours and other things. She informs Cane that she has to go back to New York and Cane suggest that he tags along, she thinks that a great idea.

Friday 7/5: (Today's update will not be as detailed, I do apologize in advance) Nick and Summer spend some father/daughter time together during dinner and what's been going on in their lives. Summer informs her dad that she may have messed things up with Theo due to her drunk pity party rant about Kyle and Lola, now Theo is blowing her off. Nick encourages Summer to reach out to Theo verbally instead of using text messages. Nick shares that Chelsea is back, they've spent time together with her husband and how he really wants to know what her plans are in GC. Adam arrives to his place to see a party of 1, Phyllis, on the couch with a bottle of champagne and a cake. He wants to know where everyone was and she informed him that her daughter was busy and told him about those who did show up but they both see that the people of GC really ain't fooling with them. Devon meets up with Ana, with Elane in tow, regarding Tessa's video. Devon explains that he gets what they were doing but the sound was horrible and that it needed to be recorded in the studio. He further explains that this is why she needs more guidance with running LP. Ana leaves disappointed but Elena loves the way Devon sees things from a different perspective (so now she loves his point of view when it's not about her). Later Theo arrives to the coffee house and sees Elena and Devon. Devon asked Theo about the video, he saw it and agreed with Devon regarding the sound quality. Devon wants to schedule a meeting with Theo later to discuss doing more business together. Victoria has been so caught up with work that she forgot about Billy's birthday dinner but he gave her a pass once he found out about her purchasing buildings and trying to stick it to Dark Horse. They decided to go to the GC carnival to celebrate instead. While they were playing a shooting game, Billy was recalling the moment he went to the house to get the Abbott gun, don't know what he is planning though. Early in the evening Chelsea and her husband, Calvin, had a heated discussion regarding Connor and Adam. Calvin thinks that Connor should be raised by his father Calvin explains that he believes that Adam is hurting and needs to be with his children then he threw major shade at Chelsea by reminding her that her oldest child, Johnny, is being raised by his father and mom, Billy and Victoria. Chelsea is fuming at this point and claps back that if she thought that he didn't care for her child then she wouldn't have married him. Later that night, Kevin sends Adam a text about something happening at the GCAC then Nick receives a frantic call from Chelsea saying that her husband is dead. Nick rushes to the GCAC to comfort her. While the paramedics are getting Calvin ready to wheel him out of the room, Phyllis and Adam stand in the doorway watching everything unfold. But Adam has a smirk on his face while Phyllis is in awe. What is to come on next week's Y&R.