Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Y&R Update 4/15-4/19

Last week on the Young and the Restless:

Let's start with Nikki Newman, well since she has been out of jail she has been kind of solo. Victor is out doing God knows what with God knows who. But Nikki finds some info saying that he's been seeing a psychiatrist. WHAT??? Is Victor going crazy again or is it really Adam seeing the psych since you know he was almost killed in a house explosion. Hmm, we shall see. But Nikki asks Rey if he would find out what's been going on with Victor. Let's see if he does it. 

Speaking of Rey, Paul is trying to set him up. Paul offered him his job back ONLY if he would solve his sister's, Lola, case. Paul believes that Rey knows who did it but is hiding the information. We know he is because the suspect is none other than his wife, Mia. Rey goes and visits Sharon and informs her of everything and even the part in which he was about to arrest Mia but when he found out she was pregnant he backed off. So now the Rosales family is trying to give Mia an alibi for the night of the attack, saying that she was with Arturo. Let's see how this plays out. 

Arturo is still trying to beg his way back to Abby so he decides to visit her at her new restaurant. While they are trying to talk, guess who shows up. Yep, Mia. She tells Arturo that they need to speak ASAP. So they go to chancellor park and that is when she decides to inform him of the baby and the alibi plans. Arturo is shook with this baby news and jets. He ain't trying to hear that. Arturo runs into Rey at the coffee house and he apologizes to Rey for sleeping with Mia. They have a brotherly talk and Arturo agrees to go with the alibi. There's more with Arturo and Abby but I will bring that up a little later. 

So the week prior we found out that Summer decides to let things go about Lola and Kyle. But Kyle was suppose to end things with Summer. Kyle tells Jack that he basically punked out but that he will do it. Summer decides to go visit her mother to check her about setting Kyle up. They go back and forth and then Summer blames herself for sleeping with Billy and now she is so sorry and they have a mother/daughter moment. While this is going on, over that Victoria's Billy is trying to explain to Vic why she is the woman for him and then he proposes but then there's a knock at the door. They tried to ignore because Billy wants an answer but then Phyllis makes it known that it's her. Her timing is terrible. Victoria tells them they should talk. Billy tells her now isn't the time but you know Phyllis ain't trying to hear it. Billy convinces her that he would come see her soon. She leaves and Victoria comes back down. Billy hands her the box and tells her to think about while goes and handles the red head. Billy goes to Phyllis' suite at the GCAC and they talk. They talk about all of their wrong doings including him sleeping with Summer. Billy wants everything to be over so he asked her what she wanted. She explains that she wants money to start her own business so he helps her. Billy then goes back to Victoria's to see if she has an answer. Victoria thinks about their past then tells Billy that they could be a disaster. Billy tried to convince her that it'll be different but she doesn't change her mind. BUT this time she said no but that she'll hold on to the ring. We might see wedding bells in the future.

As you know Devon has a house full, his sister Ana, her father Jet and her cousin Elena (who he is attracted to). Devon has convinced Ana and her father to perform at the opening of the restaurant. While Devon and Jet are performing, Jet doesn't think that he could do it. Devon, Ana and Jet talk and shares how much people are looking forward to this opening and their performance and convinces them to do so. Afterwards, Ana and Elena talk about what to wear. Elena ain't trying to but an expensive dress for one night but then Devon offers them to go shopping on his dime. But Elena's proud behind declines and storms off. Ana explains things to Devon, instead he found some dresses that Hillary never wore and tells her that Hillary was the type of woman that would love to help others so he gave her the dresses and told her to do what she wanted. 

Lily is FREE, well from jail that is. She also wants to be free from their marriage but Cane isn't trying to let her go. Before Lily's release, Cane takes the twins to dinner and inform them that their mother is being released but he also explains that he can't sign the divorce papers. He also informs them that he is going to resign from Chancellor so that he can spend more time doing positive things but that daughter of his, Mattie, gets all angry and tells him just to let their mother go and she storms off. Charlie stays with his dad and they talk but Cane isn't giving up. Later that week, Cane and Traci talk on the phone about how he can't Lily go. Cane informs Traci that the twins went to go get Lily from prison but then Lily walk through the door. Cane welcomes her and they talk about the past, the kids, Neil and Cane begs for another chance. He suggest that she stays the night and that they attend the restaurant launch together. 

Tessa and Mariah need another dramatic story line so they decide to have a romantic night at the coffee house. Tessa plays her song for Mariah and now they're all lovey dovey when a brick comes crashing through the window with a note that says "Give up the gossip, you're ruining people's lives." Mariah and Tessa go to Sharon's to tell her and Rey about what happen. They all talk, Rey will have the police look into it and that they need to change things up by going to different places to have coffee. Sharon tells Mariah to inform Devon of what's going on. Who could be after Mariah? Sounds like a new character is coming.  

Back to the juicy stuff, the day of the restaurant launch his here!! Everything that could go wrong, is going wrong for Abby and Lola. The alarm keeps going off, the lights went out. But Mr. Fix it Arturo is there to save the day. While all of this is going on, Summer and Kyle are at the Abbott mansion getting ready. Kyle has this beautiful heart shaped diamond necklace and Summer sees it from a distance, thinking it's for her. She purposely picks dresses with a low neckline because she is thinking that Kyle is going to give it to her at the restaurant. While Kyle is in the shower, Summer sneaks and takes a closer look at the necklace admiring it and gets more excited about it. Before they leave, Summer shows Kyle a gift that "they" got Lola for the grand opening, it's a monogram knife. Kyle tells her she shouldn't have. But Summer is trying to make things normal for them. Anyway, they make it to the restaurant and Abby offers to give them a tour. Abby and Summer walk off while Kyle slips away to Lola. Kyle explains that he hasn't broken things off with Summer yet but that he will and they share a passionate hug. Summer finds them and says "oh you left me to do the tour alone with Abby" basically trying to lighten an awkward moment. Summer presents Lola with her gift. Lola says thanks and that she needs to get to the kitchen. Lola reaches around her neck and pulls out the heart shaped diamond necklace so that it can be seen over her chefs coat and Summers mouth dropped!! Oooh, can't wait to see the full reaction. 

Until next time peeps!!

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