Monday, January 31, 2011

Looking Back

As I look back over my life,
I can see how Your love has guided me,
Even though I've done wrong, You never left me alone,
You forgave me and You kept on blessing me,
This I recall to my mind therefore I have hope,
It's because of Your mercies that we are not consumed,.
Because Thy compassion fails not, they are new every morning,
Great is thy faithfulness, Great is they Faithfulness.
You've been, Lord You've been so faithful.......

That is just the first part of a song that touches my heart every time I hear it. "As I look back over my life", as we go throughout life you'll hear many people say "don't look back, keep going forward. I have an issue with that. If we don't look back, how would we know where we came from? Looking back allows me to fight on and keep going. To know what I have overcome and the things that I have achieved is like a little push forward. The big push that keeps me going is knowing what God has brought me through. As I think about the things that I have gone through and where I should be today...... if it had not been for the Lord.....I can't do anything but praise God for keeping me. Looking back helps me to see God's grace and mercy. Take a moment in your life where you thought it was a miracle that you did/made/got/received________ (fill in the blank). Remember what I said, what you thought it was a miracle. I am here to tell you that it wasn't. It was God. Now look at your life today. What did you have to go through in order to get to today? You didn't go through it alone. He was right there. What gets me is that there are some people that don't acknowledge God for those victories. There are some people right now trying to figure out how they made it today. There's only one answer.....God.
Once again, take a look back over your life (childhood, teenage life, college, parenting, last year, last month, last week, yesterday, a few minutes ago, etc), think about all those times when you felt that you couldn't _________ (fill in the blank). God allowed you to make it to NOW. Notice I didn't say today. Today (whatever day you're reading this) is not over. That right there is Joy in itself.
I want to challenge you.....if you don't know God, try Him. If you don't know how, ask me. For those that do know God, THANK HIM! Tell someone about Him. Tell your story. Your story will help someone else. God Bless.

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